The Holy Monastery of Koutloumousiou

The Holy Monastery of Koutloumousiou, located just outside of Karyes, was built in the 11th century and celebrates the feast of the Transfiguration of Yeshua, our Saviour (August 6th).
During the 14th century, Chariton, the Abbot of the monastery, assisted in the spiritual regeneration of Romania.
The wood-carved iconostasis of the Katholicon is one of the most beautiful on the Holy Mountain.
During the Revolution of 1821 the H.M. of Koutloumousiou served as the meeting place and staging centre for the revolutionaries and it was in Koutloumousiou that the Turkish administrator of the Holy Mountain was confined.
In 1842, at the Cell of Saint John the Baptist of Sakarellos in Karyes, which belonged to Koutloumousiou, the Central Athonias School was inaugurated, where it remained until 1930.
The Skete of Saint Panteleimon belongs to the H.M. of Koutloumousiou.
The Holy Mountain - Monks of Mount Athos - photo essay
“7 How beautiful and delightful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace, who brings good news of good [things], who announces salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7 AMP